The target opening of the UP Antique Extension Campus is on the early part of 2023. Currently, the structure is 95% completed according to the report of the Campus Maintenance and Development Office Engineers led by Engineer Mario Morano. The extension campus is located beside the highway of Brgy. Nauring, Pandan, Antique.
Training programs on fisheries and local crafts are expected to be the initial offerings by next year, which will be followed by a Master of Education program in the future.
The construction of the Antique campus was made possible through a budget appropriation of former Deputy Speaker and now Senate President Pro Tempore Loren B. Legarda in the amount of P50 million.
UPV Chancellor Clement Camposano and Pandan, Antique Mayor Tomas Estoperez have agreed to collaborate on more programs that will benefit Pandan and nearby towns of Antique and Aklan.